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Flowerworks is the ending theme for the video game Promise of Wizard.


I thought I was meant to be alone
Thought I was done claiming my own identity
Out of options for who I can be
When moments like that creep upon
Look down
Every step you took toughened the world

Light up the fireworks
To the ocean it goes
Reaching you through the rivers
And I'll stay yours
No matter sunrise, nightfall
Although I may be flawed
We'll walk together

Hello flowerworks
Hello flowerworks

A flower for you
A flower for me

I thought I was strange
That I don't belong
So I sucked it up and moved on
But I'm not convinced
Deep inside
I don't think I'm wrong
When moments like that creep upon
Look down
Every step you took toughened the world

Lulala lila...
Let the magic take control
Lila lula...
It's there wherever you go

When moments like that creep upon
Look down
Every step you took toughened the world

Light up the fireworks
Up the mountain it climbs
Racing you up from the earth
And I'll stay yours
No matter sunrise, nightfall
Although I may be flawed
But aren't we all

Come and fly with me now
Come and fly with me now

We'll stay dreamers
Light up the fireworks
To the ocean it goes
Reaching you through the rivers
And I'll stay yours
No matter sunrise, nightfall
Although I may be flawed
We'll walk together

Hello flowerworks
Hello flowerworks

A flower for you
A flower for me

Hello flowerworks
Hello flowerworks

Hello flowerworks
Hello flowerworks
